Georgia's place on the internet for her musings while traveling

Wednesday 29 April 2009

Yeah i never actually made it to the golden pavillion....Another time....
Anyway Its been a while so I got a few thnigs to write about. That tour thing I went on was jokes, turned up at the meeting spot about half an hour early. Kept seeing random people with the little bright yellow leaflet, the guy is well clever to make it so bright. Allowed me to make friends before the tour even started! Anyway the norma guy wasnt doing the tour which was kidna annoying cos he looked really cool....
But this younger guy Ted, he had another name but damned if I am going to remember it... he took the tour instead. It was really worth the money, it was all back streets and random little hidden shrines and the like. Basicaly wht I had been doing on my own but someone actually explaining what I was seeing. Then we saw the nintendo building, the old one, where they first started. As a playing cards manufacturer, oh yes. And the best of it all was it is really close to this mafia headquaters, which we were told not to look at too much and not to take pictures!!! The guy actually said if you do I doubt you will finish the tour.... nice. But yeah these mafia guys they play with the type of cards that nintendo made!! Hahahaha, wonder how they got so big???
So yeah that was a fun day.
Saw geishas and everything, that mafia place was also the "bad geisha district" although tghe police never actually managed to prove this. Jokes...
So yes now I am in kagoshima, right down south. And there is a massive volcano, which I am going to go stand on today! Its its own island in the bay so I shall take a ferry across to it.
I also went to Fukoia, but to be honest that town was brass, hardly anything there...
So this is my lazy day and I may have a dip in the sea...
Went to the aquariam yesterday when I got here, they had dolphins and they were all jimping about and playing and doing somersaults, I have pictures but its kinda blurry cos I didnt want to use flash, I felt mean....
They had sea otters too and a whale shark! Well cool, bu my sunfish had died a few days before... Sad cos sunfish are my favourite, they look so silly, like half dead fish.
Anyway I have been here too long, time to jump a tram to the ferry me thinks!!

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