Georgia's place on the internet for her musings while traveling

Wednesday 22 April 2009

just wow

So today I made it to Takayama, really fucking beauiful place. Surrounded on all sides by mountains. And the journey here... Well, lets just say I would be happy to live in the Japanese alps.... Amazing, really.. Snow capped mountains, forests of bamboo, like the madest stereotype ever and it was all there.
Saw monkeys by the river, and some sort of wild boarhog thing, not too great that my first thought was to stick bamboo through it and roast it. Tasty though.
Went on a wander around town today, saw this amazing puppet show with these 300 year old puppets. Like I saw puppets becuase they were, you know moved by strings and such, but the most intricate puppets ever. on their own platforms and bah cant actually describe it...
My room here is great too, proper Japanese style, straw mats sliding doors bedding on the floor. Could stay here for weeks happily.
Anyway, my wanderings so I went to the main temple and ate my lunch to the side of this random shrine up a mad amount of steps. was very peaceful untill some french people came and started talking so I moved on.
Then I wandered up this hill/mountain thing inot the graveyard. Jesus, when I die please put me here, they have the most amazing view and its so peaceful. hardly anyone goes up there becuase its not signposted. Further up you get to this cool staue guy who has had a building built around him a few years ago, he must be hundreds of years old.
there is a house next to him who must look after him or something, woman looked pretty surprised to see me there. Kept on going upwards past more even more less seen shrines and graves till I got to the top.
Someone clever decided to put a table there, knowing that people would want to sit there and write, so I did. Really stunning views 360 degrees. Shame I only really get one day here.
I wouldnt want to live here like Matsumoto (I dont think I even blogged taht day, really nice city in a valley again surrounded by mountains with the best castle ever. Seriously google it its beautiful!!) But I would love to be dead here.
Had a sick meal too, proper Japanese style with a million little bowls of things all over the place, getting pretty damn good at chopsticks now can almost pick up meat and rice at the same time!! Wow. I did it once anyway.
I`m gonna go on a nighttime stroll down the river I think now, maybe look at some shrines in the dark.

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