Georgia's place on the internet for her musings while traveling

Saturday 2 May 2009

Well! Im not sure where the last post ended, and I dont quite have the time to check so I shall start from arriving in Nagasaki.
I got here, and I had to waste a few hours. So I tired to find a park.
Didnt work, at all. So instead I went to the A bombing museum and peace park and all of that. Kept seeing this one guy like 3 times, so in the end we ended up talking and got some noodles. This guy is a starnge Russian, hes really quiet, like when he does talk hes quiet as well. Its funny, and means I can take the piss.
Then we ended up in some RANDOM japanese club, which was like being in an english club like 2/3 years ago. Was jokes... Playing a weird mix of hiphop and randomness.
Anyway he ended up staying at my hotel (different rooms for any of you who are sure to be thinknig what I think you are). Then today we walked around the whole city, was really nice to actually have someone to talk to and walk with actually. Saw pretty much everythung there was to see by 3. Sat in a park for a bit, then got some sushi.
Now i have agreed to abandon my plans fopr tomorrow, going straight to hiroshima and instead I am getting a train with him at half 6!!! in the morning then a ferry then a train and climbing a mountain and back down again for no aparent reason, other to see the view from the top.
Bit out of the way really, but yes, thats the plan!
I dont know how far im actually going to get up this mountain... But lets hope I make it to the top...
We shall see and i shall let you know once I get to hiroshima, hopefully only one day later than planned... I have to get the ferry to china the next day so.....

1 comment:

sleep said...

careful now g. those russians are weird. x