Georgia's place on the internet for her musings while traveling

Monday 20 April 2009


So today I took a boat down the river, great for me cos it leaves from about 10 mins away from my hotel. Was well cool, got to see a really industrial side of Tokyo that I dont think I would have been able to see from walking about like I was doing before. Lots of random motorways and such. Was aparently 40mins but it felt more like 5, annoying...
A huge group of canadian kids got on but thankfully stayed right at the back of the boat, quite a few europeans too but only one other group of brits (from what I could hear anyway.)
The boat went into this cool little walled marina, which was actually Hamarikyu garden, this little garden in the middle of tokyo but its so wooded and lush its mad, but I wasnt to get out there and I went on to Hinode pier. Yeah....
The middle of nowhere, it was the Croyden of Tokyo, just a mad industrial estate.
Managed to find my way to the metro after a while did find a lovely garden on the way Kyu Shibariyu, which you had to pay to get in but thankfully I found myself above it and so had a better view anyway, HA!
So I made my way to Yoyogi park on the advice of a mad canadian I met yesterday, who was very lovely and helped me get back. It has one of the best shrines EVER seriously it was fucking amazing! Meiji shrine for anyone who wants to look it up. Pictures are up on facebook. Also the park smelt sooo good, I know that sounds weird but really really did smell so good, dont even know what the smell was....
But yeah could have stayed there for a long time, I mean I spent about 3 hours there anyway but still. Had a long walk around the park and a long look at the shrine. Got really lucky with the lack of people around when I was taking pictures. Hard to belive that this park is in the middle of Tokyo it really is.
Then I made my way back here cos I was fecking hungry. Rented a laptop for the night for about 6 pound?! Bought some buff supernoodle type thing and some strawberry milk and now I am here listening to santogold in my hotel room, I am shattered. So very tired.
Supposed to be leaving Tokyo tomorrow as well. Gonna have to sleep early if thats gonna happen. Going to Matsumoto, got to get a train at 9 from the other side of town, oh the joys!!!

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