Georgia's place on the internet for her musings while traveling

Saturday 18 April 2009

So Japan beats England on a few major points.

Trains- they run on time and they are so long that if they tried to be that long in london then they would actually take up the whole of the line between most cental stations.
Hotels- i got a free face mask, weird robe thing to sleep in, comb, toothbrush, slippers, wallet, razor, internet!
pizza- i finked out and bought pizza for dinner but it had salmon on it! and i didnt acutally have to wait for anything it was just there when i finshed my last course, magick!
Water- you can drink anywhere and all the taps are drinking water whcih means you dont have to caarry around a huge bottle for the day.
coffee- they do banging coffee everywhere, here in the hotel its even free decent coffee, whcih is amazing. on my third or fourth cup of the day.

there are more but i am feeling lazy right now.
Seriously though the jay walking thing is going to kill me, have to wait for so long for the lights to go red sometimes.

Tried to go and see the central park today, didnt quite work out. I got distracted by the lights of central tokyo and then relised it was about 7 and i really needed to eat something and go to bed soonish. plus most parks close at around 5.

I did go wander around the sony center though, which was pretty bad. Got some sick new tvs and random dancing speakers. For some reason in their shop you can buy everything, seriosuly everything. very confusing to see cooking stuff and be like eh? sony center?

Had a nice walk back though my local park/shrine district. its a few minutes longer but so worth it cos its pretty, even more so at night.

I think if i can get my act together tomorrow I will actually go to the ghibli museum, its just a little out of tokyo and i was so tired today I slept untill 4. Then all the station booths were closed so i couldnt buy the tokyo oyster the passimo.

So yeah I think that is all I have to say....

OOOOOO smoking boxes, its like smoking in a fishtank!! but then you can smoke inside, (no smoking on the streets) but people walk past you and look in and you feel like such a fish!

Yeah I think that is now it...
Happy reading!


Cleft Asunder said...

Here is tht map of where u are:

sleep said...

its only england thats so bad with the transport system. in poland, even buses are always on time