Georgia's place on the internet for her musings while traveling

Thursday 16 April 2009

ok so i am now in japan! after a very long flight....
Tried to sleep on the plane and even tried to make it better by not sleeping the night before but this now just means I am in a different time zone and I have had 6 hours sleep in about two days! Woooo
I am on my feet I already know my way round the local area and have taken like a billion pictures of the local park which is just shrines all over the place. It is so fucking pretty! Seriously I going to have to not take camera out with me some days or its going to get bloody stupid.

And first thing I miss about london is the corssing of the roads. I miss jaywalking so much I have only been here 3 hours and already I have broken the rules of crossing the street.
Waiting for my hotel room to be opened up for me so I can have some bloody sleep!

Met some very nice people on the train as well (hello if you are reading this!) and we may go out for coffee before we all leave tokyo, which would be lovely.

Right this comp doesnt have a stool and I am actually like waving about madness

Peace all! Updates soon!


Cleft Asunder said...

BABES!!!! Missing you too much already but where are those bloody pix.

It soundz so amazing there, is it like short people like me but with less hair?

Cleft Asunder said...

By the way this is Cam