Georgia's place on the internet for her musings while traveling

Saturday 9 May 2009

Ok I cheered up today so now I shall blog somewhat about previous days.
So on Thursday I went to beppu. Went up this crazy mountain with this ropeway. Was really cool. Bloody high up though. Was pretty much on a level with surrounding clouds whcih was really cool. Could see it raining in the town below but it was sunny on the mountain cos the clouds would have to rise for it to rain on the mountain so they went around it. Very cool..
And there were mountains all around as well and most of them were on a level with the one I was on.
And all over this mountain there were loud speakers playing weird music, like I cant even remember right now, just strange assortment of music... Was pretty jokes really. At one poin in the cable car going up they were playing an instrumental of whinny the pooh, Haahhaha! Stupid!
Then I went for a walk about the town and bought the oilest peice of chicken EVER! Sat on a beach and put my feet in the water and started to eat my chicken, like ah this is nice.... Peaceful... Oh look at that eagle soaring above me, how nice.... How peaceful!

Seconds later there is this massive woosh of air past me and my chicken is flying into the sea. The damned eagle tried to steal it from me!! Madness! I felt its talons on my hand, but no scrape or anything. Spent the next 10 minutes shouting at it from the beach, to the amusment of some dutch guys who were watching (didnt think to warn me of an attacking eagle though!!)
Was very strange experience indeed.... The eagle then circled me for ages looking for its lost bit of chicken, but ha! The fish got it not him! Good!

So that was my thursday, then went to meet the Russian at about 9. He had lectures in the day.
Wandered around for a while got some sake, and he drew me some maps of where to stay once I got here.

Today I went up this random tower, looked over Osaka, its fucking huge! Was like looknig over london a little bit. Only with mountains in th background. Why dont we have mountains, it makes the cityscape so much nicer to have mountains rising up over skyscrapers!

Then I just kind of wandered about the town, its not a very pretty place. And there is this random themepark type thing that for some reason is closed. But you can still walk through it. Kinda errie to be honest. This abonded themepark in the middle of city with noone in it apart from a couple of drunks and two random teenagers...
All bright colours and crap as well, rollercoasters and everything. WEIRD!
The Japanese are mad!

1 comment:

FallibleReason said...

I've finally caught up on all of your posts and now everything makes a whole lot more sense. Oh how I envy where you are!